Kneza Stracimira 21/35, Belgrade, Serbia   |   |   +381612160078



Nano Silver Spray represents an excellent antimicrobial and antiviral protection of the nasal cavity and sinuses, allowing you to breathe healthy and easily. This spray consists of extremely effective antiviral and antimicrobial nanoparticles of pure silver, and carefully selected natural plant essential oils that restore and protect your sinuses and nasal mucosa from various unpleasant infections, irritations and allergies. It is used as needed and in accordance with the specified instructions, without special restrictions. It is recommended for use as prevention and protection against various respiratory infections and allergies for adults and children over three years of age with the mandatory supervision of their parents.

Nano Nasal Spray can be used in combination with any type of medication because it does not produce any side effects that would reduce their effect in any way. In accordance with the law, this product has a certificate of microbiological and chemical health safety from the appropriate accredited laboratory and is completely safe for human use.

25 ml

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If necessary, spray several times a day in both nostrils. It can be used for a long period of time because it does not damage the nasal mucous. Nano silver nasal spray should be kept closed in the original packaging in a dark place and at room temperature.


nano particles of pure silver
(99,99%) – 10mg/l,
demineralized water,
NaCl, essential oils
Origanum minutiflorum,
Ocimum basilicum,
Rosmarinus ocinalis.

The health safety was carried out by:
Accredited laboratory REA LAB d.o.o. Belgrade

5 reviews for NANO SILVER
Sprej za nos i sinuse

  1. JovanaBg

    Nano Silver sprej za nos i sinuse je prava stvar za mene i moju porodicu! Kroz celu zimu smo ga koristili i primetili smo značajno poboljšanje u disanju i smanjenje prehlada. Posebno mi se dopada što je na prirodnoj bazi i što ga mogu koristiti i moja deca. Toplo preporučujem!

  2. Pedja

    Kao neko ko ima problema sa sinusima, ovaj sprej mi je pružio olakšanje koje nisam očekivao. Koristim ga redovno i osećam da mi je disanje mnogo lakše, a i manje sam podložan infekcijama. Sve pohvale za Nano Silver sprej

  3. Milena1994

    Oduševljena sam! Nano Silver sprej za nos i sinuse mi je pomogao da prodišem punim plućima, posebno tokom sezone alergija. Takođe, koristim ga i kao preventivu za celu porodicu. Sviđa mi se što je bezbedan i što ga mogu koristiti u kombinaciji sa drugim lekovima.

  4. NikolaV

    Nano Silver sprej je postao obavezan deo naše kućne apoteke. Koristimo ga za zaštitu od virusa i bakterija, a i kao pomoć pri alergijama. Efikasan je i pruža brzo olakšanje, a plus je što je potpuno prirodan i bezbedan za upotrebu. Preporučujem!

  5. Anastasija92

    Veoma sam zadovoljna ovim proizvodom! Nano Silver sprej koristim svakodnevno kao preventivu i zaštita od respiratornih infekcija i alergija. Posebno mi je važno što je proizvod atestiran i što je bezbedan za upotrebu. Definitivno preporučujem svima

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